Dynamic Subgroups allow you to define subsets of your membership roster that are dynamically computed whenever you use them, based on the current attributes of your members.
Once you've created a dynamic subgroup you can use it to:
- Send an e-mail message to that group
- Create events specifically for that group
- Make a training course required for all members of the group
Select Dynamic Subgroups from the Membership menu to create and maintain your list of subgroups.

Click Add a New Item to add a new dynamic subgroup.
The Subgroup Name should be descriptive of the group you are defining.
You can set up an Email Relay Address for this group by checking the box Create an email relay address for this subgroup?.
This will allow members of your troop to send messages to this group without logging on to the site.
If you enable this option, two more fields will appear. Email Relay Address Prefix will become the first part of the e-mail relay address for this group.
Send Relayed Message To determines whether the relayed messages will be sent to e-mail addresses, sms addresses, or both.
When you Save & Exit back to the main page that lists all of the subgroups, you will be able to see the complete email relay address for this subgroup.
The next attribute, Include family of selected members?, will not add anyone to the subgroup on its own. However, once you add other criteria that cause people to be added to the group,
it will cause their family members to be included as well.
All of the remaining attributes will add members to the group. They do not act as filters; each attribute is additive. Any member who meets ANY of the criteria you specify will be added to the group.
So, for example, if you select Include all alumni? and members of the fundraising committee, the group will include ALL alumni PLUS all members of the fundraising committee.
The Membership Category grid can be used to select active members from each category. If you select all of the categories, it will select all active members.
TroopWebHostCS and TroopWebHostGS users will have the ability to select on Age Group. The dynamic subgroup will contain all members of each selected age group.
Leadership will include those members who currently hold the selected leadership positions.
Committee will include those members who currently belong to the selected committees.
E-Mail Group will include the members of the selected e-mail groups.