You'll find the
Log On link in the upper right corner of the page.
Click on this link to display the Log On window, as shown below.

Type your User ID and Password into the boxes and then click the Log On button. You can use your TAB key to move from field to field.
If you click on the Remember me at this computer checkbox you won't have to logon again the next time you come to your site.
Do not check this box if you are on a public computer (like in a public library),
or a computer that you share with people who should not be allowed to access your group's website.
If you click on Forgot User ID or Password? the system will prompt you for your e-mail address and send you an e-mail with your login information.
If you've forgotten both your User ID and Password, begin by clicking on the User ID button.
NOTE: This function will only work if your e-mail address is on your membership record.

Type in the e-mail address that you registered with the group, then click the Send button.
You will receive an e-mail with the User IDs associated with that e-mail address.

To retrieve your password, click on Password, enter your User ID and press Send.
You will receive an e-mail with the Password for this User ID.